Quality – cabling with the right price at the right time – ASSO ASSO
For us, it is extremely important to ensure that cabling is done correctly. By having our own cabling production, we can guarantee that each component is of the highest quality. Our cabling production undergoes a documented inspection during the entire manufacturing process, everything from preparation to final inspection. All data is collected in our business system. Where the customer has special requirements, we ensure these during the contract review.
Well-established suppliers
The cabling is produced in a modern machine park with built-in controls where the staff has solid knowledge and long experience. The fitters work against Standard IPC-A-620, which is a quality assurance that indicates that there is a minimal risk of errors in the cabling.
Certified Solder and Wiring
Our cabling products have had the right certifications since 1996. In this way, you as a customer are guaranteed safe cabling of the highest quality. Our cable manufacturing is certified according to SS ISO 9001-2015. The certifications ensure the quality of the products so that you as a customer can be confident with your purchase. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
ASSO delivers cabling at the right price, in the right quality and with a delivery on time!
High quality cabling
- Own production with documented quality control throughout the manufacturing process
- Kablagetillverkningen är certifierad enligt SS ISO 9001:2015
- Installers are working towards Standard IPC-A-620
- Modern machine park
- Highly trained staff with long experience
- Ensuring requirements during the contract review
Cable assembly manufacturing
Vi har kablagetillverkning för alla branscher och för flera ändamål. Våra kundanpassade kablage, industrikablage, virtråd och flatkablar med mera...
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Customer relations
Contact information
Asso produkter
Sångleksgatan 5
215 79 Malmö
Tel: 040 - 14 35 50
e-post: order@asso.se
You can find us in Sweden, Poland and China
ASSO Produkter AB has production units in Sweden, Poland and Asia.
Serial production and production with emphasis on large amounts of manual labor is most often done at our plant in eastern Poland.